Contact and Travel Information

On this page you can find contact information and directions on how to get to Ängsbacka, whether by car, train, bus, or plane.


Phone: +46 (0)55 310 035 (press 1)

Phone hours Monday till Friday 11:00-12:30


Phone: +46 (0)55 310 035 (press 2)

Phone hours Monday till Friday 11:00 – 12:30

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How to get to Ängsbacka

Ängsbacka is located in Molkom, 30 km north of Karlstad and is easily reached by bus or car. To Karlstad you can also travel by plane or train. It is about 3-4 hours from Oslo, Stockholm and Göteborg.

Share your ride or find one? Here we offer a link to an ÄB carpool Facebook group – we don’t maintain it, but lovingly suggest you visit and use it. Let us make travelling more sustainable and sociable too.

By Car

Stockholm: Take E18 towards Karlstad and Oslo. Take right towards Väse/Molkom 20km before Karlstad. Drive road 240 to Molkom. At Molkom take left towards Karlstad for 2 km along the lake until you see sign Ängsbacka. Take right, drive 500 m and you’re home.

Göteborg: Road 45 towards Karlstad. In Karlstad take road 63 towards Filipstad/Ludvika. Molkom is located 30 km north of Karlstad. Just after the sign “Molkom” you will see the sign “Ängsbacka”. Take left, drive 500 m and you’re home.

Oslo: Take E18 towards Stockholm. In Karlstad take road 63 towards Filipstad/Ludvika. Molkom lays 30 km north Karlstad. Just after the sign “Molkom” you will see the sign “Ängsbacka”. Take left, drive 500 m and you’re home.

By Train

Stockholm: SJ (Swedish railroad) has daily services to and from Karlstad. Check out SJ website

Göteborg: SJ (Swedish railroad) has daily services to and from Karlstad. Check out SJ website

Oslo: NSB (Norwegian railroad) has train rides from Oslo Central station to Karlstad Monday to Friday. Check out NSB website SJ has daily train rides from Oslo to Karlstad.

Karlstad – Molkom/Ängsbacka: From the Bus Station take bus 300, 400 or 401 to Molkom. The bus stops at Krakerud (the stop just when you get to the lake). By the bus stop, you will see a big sign to Ängsbacka. Follow the road 500 meters. When you cross the railway you see Ängsbacka at the left. The timetable for local buses:

By Bus

Stockholm: Swebus or Nettbuss run several trips each day from Cityterminal to Karlstad Busstation.

Göteborg: Swebus or Nettbuss drive daily to Karlstad from Central Station.

Oslo: Swebus or Nettbuss drive daily to Karlstad from Central Station.

Karlstad: From the Bus Station take bus 300, 400 or 401 to Molkom. The bus stops at Krakerud (the stop just when you get to the lake). By the bus stop, you will see a big sign to Ängsbacka. Follow the road 500 meters. When you cross the railway you see Ängsbacka at the left.

Get of at the bus stop: Krakerud
The timetable for local buses:

International bus: There are also bus options from other major cities in Europe towards Karlstad or one of the big cities in Sweden.


From Arlanda airport

Besides travelling via Stockholm, Swebus and Nettbuss run several trips each day from Arlanda to Karlstad.


+46 (0)771-151 515

By Plane

Daily flights from Stockholm and Copenhagen to Karlstad Airport.

By Taxi

Taxi Karlstad: +46 (0)54 850 085
Taxikurir: +46 (0)54 150 200
Flygtaxi: +46 (0)20 979 797