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Catharina Roland

Ecstatic Meditation, New Living Earth Manifestation

Catharina is a filmmaker with heart and soul and a visionary of paradise. For her two films “AWAKE IN THE DREAM” (2012) and “AWAKE2PARADISE” (2018), she travelled the world with her son Moritz to interview visionaries, scientists and spiritual teachers to find out who we humans really are and whether and how we can create a paradise on earth.

In the course of her adventurous life journeys, she has also trained as a yoga teacher,
Awakening coach, permaculture designer, SOMA breathwork instructor and certified kinesiologist.
In 2020, she wrote a kind of new utopia, THE NEW EARTH MANIFESTO
which now evolves every year to an updated version.

The solution-oriented networking portal LIVING EARTH, which builds on the manifesto, opened its doors on 18 May 2023 and now invites the pioneers of the Living Earth to create a beautiful future together.
Www. Livingearth. One