Sweden Ecovillage Tour

6 DAYS | Adventure in Sweden after the Ecovillage Gathering
August 26 – September 1, 2024

Join the weekend

Extend your time in Sweden after the European Ecovillage Gathering to visit thriving ecovillages

We’re thrilled that Ecovillage Tours starts an exclusive tour of ecovillages across Sweden in connection to the European Ecovillage Gathering happining at Ängsbacka this summer. This is an exceptional opportunity to deepen your understanding of sustainable community living by visiting various established ecovillages. Ecovillage Tours takes care of all the logistics, allowing you to fully immerse and enjoy the journey in a guided small group setting. Don’t hurry back home after the Gathering—decompress and enrich your experience with us.

Tour Highlights

What you can expect to experience during your time in Sweden


  • Decompress and Deepen Post-Gathering: After the transformational experiences at the European Ecovillage Gathering, take this chance to reflect and delve deeper within a close-knit group, before starting your journey back home.

  • Explore Working Models for Transformation: Having celebrated eco-living in theory during the Gathering, now witness how a variety of communities have successfully practiced the ecovillage lifestyle for decades. 

  • Revel in Sweden’s Natural Beauty: Summer in Sweden is a spectacle of never-ending sunny days, lush rolling hills, and timeless villages—a perfect backdrop for adventure and relaxation.

  • Enjoy Community Within Our Traveling Group: Experience the formation of our intentional community on wheels! Often, the connection among participants is highlighted as the most cherished aspect of our ecovillage tours.

Find out more about the Sweden Ecovillage TOur

More information about this amazing oportunity can be found on the website of Ecovillage Tours. Make sure to book with the discount code “angsbacka” to receive 100 USD discount on your booking.