The Body – Temple of the Divine with Daniel Odier
May 27 – June 1, 2025
Mahamudra – The Great Seal or The Great Cosmic Gesture – is at the heart of the Kashmiri transmission. It is offered in three source texts, the Vijnanabhairava Tantra (the tantra of the supreme knowledge), the Spandakarika (the stanzas on vibration) and the Pratyabhijnahrdayam (the Heart of recognition).
To penetrate to the heart of these two complementary paths, it is essential to understand the nature of spirit and the mode of operation of the mirror Consciousness.
Check-in at reception: 12:00 – 13:00
Dinner first night: 13:00 – 14:00
First gathering: 15:00 in Upper Barn
Last meal: 13:00 – 14:00
Check-out*: 16:00
*Clean your room before this time. You don’t need to formally check out at the reception.
Daniel Odier

Read more about Daniel Odier
Daniel Odier became a disciple of Kalou Rinpoché in 1968. He followed his teachings and received the Mahamudra transmission. Pursuing his earlier intrest in Chan (the Chinese zen of origins), he studied the correlation between Tantra and Ch’an, inspired by the work of the Chinese hermit Chien Ming Chen.
Some years later in the Himalayas, Daniel followed the teachings of his Kashmiri master, the yogi Lalita Devi and the most profound mystical teachings of the Pratyabjijna and Spanda schools of the Kaula tradition.
Daniel gives workshops and seminars throughout the world and his books on tantrism, which have been translated into eight languages, deal with the most profound aspects of the Shivaite tantric path and of Chan.
Price & BookinG
Course fee
Private person: 550 Euro
Company invoice: 690 Euro
Please notify on the registration form if you would like to receive a Company invoice.
Food & Accommodation
4 Bed room: 3700 SEK/person
Double room: 4450 SEK/person
Single room: 6200 SEK/person
Note that the retreat requires two payments to different receivers: one payment to the organizer of the retreat and one payment to Ängsbacka Kursgård (food, lodging and admin fee).
To participate in this retreat take these steps:
1. Confirm your interest and sign through the signup form.
2. You will receive information regarding the registration process and payment details for the actual retreat from the Course leader.
3. Upon confirmation from the group admin that you have a spot in the retreat, book and pay for your food and accommodation. First come – first served applies for the available options for accommodation, secure your wished alternative by booking early. It is very helpful for us that we have your request and payment a minimum of 2 weeks before the retreat starts, the sooner the better.
Join The Body – Temple of the Divine with Daniel Odier now!
For questions about the course, prices and registration contact
Observe! The payment and refund policy for the the two payments may differ, see Ängsbacka’s policies for more information regarding the food and lodging part (your payment to Ängsbacka).
More information
- For more information about the course:
- For questions about the course and registration contact the course leader: