Amir Jaan

White Tantric Temple Arts

Amir’s fascination in the White Tantric Temple Arts began 33 years ago. These are energetic practices that establish, strengthen, and sustain optimum health; Physical, mental, and emotional. Amir’s years of teaching with the general pubic, charities supporting people in recovery, young offenders, and private consultations for those with particular and/or special needs, have contributed to both the depth and breadth of his knowledge and experience.

After undergoing a traditional and rigorous apprenticeship for more than 10 years…He has gone on to become a Principle teacher for many students in a variety of professional settings. Many years ago Amir became a teacher of teachers and the senior mentor at one of the worlds most esteemed yoga schools for 12 years. And now uses yoga therapy as the main therapeutic approach in his private health consultancy in Switzerland.