Evelyne Siddhana Vuilleumier

Spiritual Psychotherapy, Learning Love, Awakening

After a pioneer career as a Snowboard competitor, where she experienced the power of mental training (Sophrology), and some years as a DJ, Evelyne took on the Psychology and Psychotherapy studies. Deeply interested in Spirituality she went to India off and on during 7 years, where a Satori was experienced.

Thereafter she brought Spirituality and Psychotherapy together, in her own creation of Spiritual Psychotherapy. Evelyne is also a Learning Love facilitator and a Yoga teacher (YTT 500). She has her own private practice since 25 years.

All her offerings intend to guide people deeper into their very nature, the core of their being. Evelyne guides people between shadow work (meeting the triggers when they come) and awakening (how to connect to the deeper sense of Self) and creates an experiential field of how to live an awakened yet grounded, highly vibrant life.
