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Fredrik Telenius

The Singing Tipi, Breathwork/bodywork, DJ

Fredrik is serving that which is uniting us in a grounded unstoppable force of constructive energy, Love! Since 5 years he is running a retreatcenter/culturehouse in Uddebo called Världshuset together with Lycke and a group of lovely people. He creates platforms for meetings thru music, art, breath, culture, ceremony and community life. He seeks to do his part in aligning the fire within and connecting it to the heart of the Earth. He is looking forward to share tools for growing roots and music that makes the forest dance. Fredrik is exploding of gratitude over the opportunity to co-create this study of going beyond the mind into a celebration of the heart. Through the festival Fredrik will be djaying and be part of The Singing Tipi. He will share breath-work where we connect to our essence to be able to rise up in gratitude for the precious gift of breath and thru it – Life!