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Michael Kopp

The Sound of Science

You want to learn more about the scientific part of sound? Michael has a Doctoral Degree in Physics (PhD) and is passionate about sound. His pure dedication to uncover the truth through science is the quality his students admired during the Sound Therapy Training 2023/24. This workshop is based on lectures where he guided sound therapy students to a better understanding of the physics of sound and introduced them to the scientific language and research methods.

Michael’s research career:
2014-2023 Research at the University of Cyprus (Cyprus), Institute of Physics ASCR (Czech Republic), Nordita (Sweden) and Stockholm University (Sweden)

Michael’s teaching career:
2006 – 2024 Tutoring university students in the physics lab, Tutoring/lecture assistant at various lectures, Co-supervision of bachelor, master and PhD students, Outreach events, and at the Sound Therapy Training 2023/24.